General → Girls are Hubs, Boys are Switches and Routers
Throughout my experience in life, I’ve came to a conclusion time ago that seems to prove it self on regular bases. While the title might be self explanatory to “geeks” and “network professionals” or at least would be easier to understand once you know what I’m talking about.
Girls talk & blabber too much! News spread like fire, gossips and rumors just spreads between all of them. If a girl is notified of something, she goes telling everybody about it, just like a hub!
For non network professionals, a hub is a network device that receives data & broadcast it to all connected devices on the network, whether it was their data packets or not everyone gets a copy of it.
You should be getting a part of the picture by now.

On the other hand however, boys are more careful when they speak, they speak less & they are more intelligent when it comes to the concept of spreading news. Tongues do not slip fast & they do not broadcast everything they hear, that’s why they are more like switches and routers.
Switches and routers are more intelligent devices in a network, received data are only transferred to a specific address depending on a lookup table that is called an ARP table. This way only the desired destination receives that certain desired data.

The bottom line here is … well I guess you already know it.
P.S: Another thing you should know here, though packets transferred through hubs are usually of a good quality, news spread by girls tend to mutate during transmission & original content quality degrade severely after few transmissions.